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Beyond The Court

Berks County Ballers is just as proud of what our athletes do off the court as we are when they are on it.  This section highlights some of the achievements our players have attained both academically and in the community.

Hannah Fenstermacher- 2/17/15  Hannah finished her first semester at Brandywine with distinguished honors.  She presently ranks 19th

    Class of 2018                 out of 130 students in her class.


Kaela Stankiewicz- 2/17/15  Kaela's community service skills were on full display this past holiday season.  She took over Operation Coat

    Class of 2019       Drive which was started 6 years ago by older brother Seth Stankiewicz.  This years goal was to collect 1300 coats.  Kaela

                                 smashed that goal with a total of 1573 coats.  For more info on the drive please feel free to visit her site at:



Emonie Reviere- 2/17/15  Fresh off winning the 2015 Berks County Girls Championship Emonie is doing her thing in the classroom as well.

    Class of 2016   The Governor Mifflin junior is an honor student who also finds the time to write for the Voices column in the Reading

                             Eagle.  She is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America club and excels on the track and field circuit.  On the

                             basketball front Emonie has drawn the interest of West Chester University and has an unofficial visit coming up this week.


Megan Yoder- 2/18/15  Megan's list of off the court activity is one to be very proud of.  As a member of the Johns Hopkins talented youth

  Class of 2018   program since the 2nd grade and a member of the Junior National Honor Society Megan uses her smarts to help tutor 

                           other students in algebra.  Megan is also an active member of the St. Ignatius Loyola parish.  She volunteers with the St.

                           Francis Hospice Home which helps her prepare for the medical field that she is looking to become a part of once she is

                           finished her schooling.  Field hockey as well as track and field are her other sports of choice.  Megan is definitely putting

                           in the work it takes to be successful.


Ashley Gilmore- 2/19/15  Carrying a 4.0 GPA isn't the only thing Ashley is proud of.  She has been on the Distinguished Honor Roll at  

  Class of 2016    the Hill School every semester. Ashley also excels in the Chemistry field as she took home the school's award for excellence

                            in that subject.  The discus event is another interest of note as Ashley was part of a team who took first place in the MAPL

                            league track and field event.  Lastly,Ashley's accomplishment of Social Chair for the Student of Color Association is

                            definitely something to be held in high esteem.



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